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Youcan Apps

Apps aim to expand the functionality of YouCan merchants' stores, helping to increase sales and improve the shopping experience.

This guide is designed to help developers in creating applications that enhance the e-commerce experience on the YouCan platform.

Whether you're looking to create an app that integrates into the store's theme (Theme App Extensions) or a solution that embeds directly within the seller area dashboard (Embedded Apps), this overview will provide you with the essential information needed to get started.

Types of Apps in YouCan

The YouCan platform supports the development of two primary types of applications: Theme App Extensions and Embedded Apps.

Theme App Extension

Theme App Extensions allow developers to integrate custom features directly into the storefront. These extensions are used to modify or add to the visual and functional elements of a store's theme.

Key Features

  • Integration with Storefront: Designed to integrate with the store's existing theme, allowing for visual and functional improvement.
  • Functionality Enhancements: Developers can create new blocks that sellers can incorporate with the theme editor to improve the shopping experience.
  • Flexible Options: These blocks are customizable through settings, offering merchants the flexibility to adjust them to fit their store's aesthetic and functional needs.

Embedded App

Embedded Apps are integrated within the YouCan Seller-Area Dashboard, providing new functionalities or enhancing existing ones. These apps are suited for developers looking to offer solutions that help merchants manage and optimize their online stores.

Key Features

  • Iframe Integration: These apps are integrated into the YouCan Seller Area through iframe.
  • Seller-Area Dashboard Enhancement: They provide merchants with features to manage and optimize their online stores efficiently.
  • API Access: Developers have access to APIs for fetching data, to create a variety of functionalities.

Getting Started with App Development

To begin developing apps on the YouCan platform, follow these steps:

  • Sign Up for a Partner Account: Create a YouCan Partner Account and set a development store.

  • Select Your App Type: Choose between developing a Theme App Extension or an Embedded App based on your objectives.

  • Explore the Documentation: Check our Getting Started Guides and specific guidelines for your chosen app type.

  • Develop and Test Your App: Use YouCan's development tools, including YouCan CLI and your development store to create and test your app. Ensure your app aligns with YouCan's guidelines before submission.

  • Submit Your App for Review: Once completed, submit your app through the Partner Dashboard for approval.