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The Menu entity at YouCan.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringIdentifier (UUID)
slugstringURL slug
is_defaultbooleanIf it is the default menu
linksarray of objects [Link], nullArray of links will display for the menu
links.childrenarray of objects [[Link childern](#Links children)], nullArray of links will display as sub link
Param NameParam TypeDescription
iduuidIdentifier (UUID)
namestringName of link
linkstringLink path
link_tosmallintType of link go to 1: Page, 2: Category 3: Product, 4: External
orderintLink position
Param NameParam TypeDescription
iduuidIdentifier (UUID)
namestringName of link
linkstringLink path
link_tosmallintType of link go to 1: Page, 2: Category 3: Product, 4: External
orderintLink position