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Products are an essential part of the ecommerce system, here's a detailed listing of the product entity at YouCan.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringIdentifier (UUID)
namestringProduct name
slugstringProduct SLUG
descriptionstringProduct full description
pricefloatProduct price (in store currency)
compare_at_pricefloat,nullProduct compare at price (in store currency)
cost_pricefloat,nullProduct cost price (in store currency)
visibilityint (1,0)Is product visible in store front
track_inventoryboolIs the product inventory is tracked or not
has_variantsboolDoes the product has any variants. If not, we have one default variant automatically.
metaJSONSEO attributes
variant_optionsarrayList of variations for the product
created_atstringProduct creation date


SEO object to be used for SEO.

Attribute NameType