Every error includes a code, the HTTP status code, a short detail, and an additional meta can be used to help the YouCan support team investigate in your error quickly.
Errors Types
HTTP status | Description |
402 | There is a restriction on the requested resource for closed stores |
404 | The resource requested not found or deleted |
405 | Method not allowed this error happened when the endpoint requested doesn't support the current request types |
422 | Unprocessable entity this error happened when the request doesn't respect the validation ex: missing required field, invalid fields type |
500 | 500 Internal Server Error this error is generic happened when something got wrong in the service side while processing the request |
Closed store
"status": 402,
"error": "store is suspended"
Not found
"status": 404,
"detail": "Customer not found",
"meta": []
Validation error
"status": 422,
"detail": "The given data was invalid.",
"meta": {
"fields": {
"email": [
"The email field is required."
"password": [
"The password field is required."
"password_confirmation": [
"The password confirmation field is required."
Unsupported request type error
"status": 404,
"detail": "The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE.",
"meta": []
Internal error
"status": 500,
"detail": "internal error"