Update a Shipping Zone
Endpoint: https://api.youcan.shop/shipping-zones/{id}
Method: PUT
Required Scopes
Param Name | Param Type | Description | Required |
name | string | shipping zone name | yes |
display_name | string | shipping zone display name | yes |
countries | array,null | shipping zone countries codes, use rotw as code for the rest of the world countries. | no |
is_free | boolean | is free shipping | no |
is_active | boolean | is shipping zone active | no |
rate_type | string | (prince, weight) | no |
rates | array | shipping zone rates | required if is_free false |
rates.*.min | float | shipping rate min | yes |
rates.*.max | float,null | shipping rate max | no |
rates.*.price | float | shipping rate price | yes |
[200] OK
"message": "Shipping zone updated successfully",
"http_code": 200,
"code": "UPDATED",
"type": "success",
"data": null
[404] Not Found
"status": 404,
"code": 404,
"detail": "Shipping zone not found",
"meta": []